
The Guy Bourdin Estate owns all of the copyrights owned by Bourdin at the time of his death in 1991.

The Estate rights are managed by Iconess Ltd and Iconess has been authorised to license those copyrights.

If you are uncertain about the appropriate party to grant a license for the reproduction of a Bourdin image, the Estate may be able to provide information to you.

As part of the protocol, licensees of Bourdin images are expected to observe the following guidelines:

  • the licensed image must be shown in its entirety without cropping or overlay of type;

  • the Estate must be given the opportunity to review and approve the final design layout (including facing pages), credit lines, and any accompanying text for accuracy at least one week in advance of publication or public release;

  • and copies of the item(s) in which a Bourdin image is licensed must be provided to the Estate for its archival repository upon request.

These guidelines are binding legal requirements for images licensed by the Estate, and in cases where an invoice is issued by the Estate or Iconess, no grant of reproduction rights is effective until payment of the required licensing fee is made in full and received by the grantor.

Revenues generated through licensing fees support the archival process, restoration and protection of the legacy of Guy Bourdin.

Contact: bourdin@louise-alexander.com